Posts Tagged‘R – S’

Strange Luck: “Last Chance”

Last Chance by Sarah Stegall copyright 1995 by Sarah Stegall I’m getting to really enjoy this show (“Strange Luck”), as much for what’s hiding in the corners as for what’s sitting out in plain view. The quirky minor characters who add depth to the show, the melancholy, stark score, the low-key but effective performances are driving forward a show rooted in absurdity and creating a universe where, for an hour anyway, I can believe in “Strange Luck”. In Friday’s episode, “Last Chance”, our hero Chance Harper drops in to his local mechanic’s to pick up his car and finds his…

Stargate SG-1: “Past & Present”

“Past & Present” Written by Tor Alexander Valenza Directed by William F. Gereghty Guest stars: Megan Leitch as Ke’ra, Jason Gray-Stanford as Orner Do memories make us what we are? Are we nothing but the sum of all our past experiences? And if we are, does forgetting make one a different person? How do you hold a criminal accountable for deeds she has no knowledge of? The SG-1 team faces a moral dilemma when they try to save an entire race suffering from mass amnesia, only to find themselves face to face with a mortal enemy. On a world that…