Posts Tagged‘A – C’

The Cape: “Goggles & Hicks”

Brothers in Arms “Goggles & Hicks” The Cape NBC, Monday, 9/10 PM Written by Craig Titley Directed by Deran Serafian “This is a comic book. It’s not real.” — Goggles Apparently, Peter Fleming is tired of messing around with this elusive Cape fellow, and has taken decisive action. Which is to say, he’s decided to let someone else take action. Resorting to the “Masters” of the Tarot revealed in the first two episodes of the series, he hires a pair of assassins, Goggles (Pruitt Taylor Vince, The Mentalist) and his brother Hicks (Chad Lindberg, Supernatural), to take out The Cape. The brothers,…

The Cape: “Scales”

Fashion Choices “Scales” The Cape NBC, Mondays, 9/10 PM Written by William Wheeler Directed by Dennie Gordon “What do you want the Cape to be?” – Vince Gee, Vince, if you don’t know, who will? This is the fourth episode of The Cape, and so far the whole is less than the sum of its parts. But those parts are mostly fun, so it’s watchable. There’s a lot about it that I like. I like it that Vince is poor, and scrambles to put together resources the Batman would have paid for out of petty batcash. I like Summer Glau playing…