Posts Tagged‘A – C’

Bionic Woman: “Paradise Lost”

Beta Testing By Sarah Stegall Copyright © 2007 by Sarah Stegall Bionic Woman NBC, Wednesdays, 9 PM “Paradise Lost” Written by Laeta Kalogridis & David Eick Directed by Tim Matheson Bionic Woman still does not know what it wants to be when it grows up. Is this going to be a weekly ass-kicking showcase a la Dark Angel, or an angsty drama of conspiracies and shadow governments a la The X-Files? It’s obvious that the writers are trying to avoid the self-parody that so much underconceived SF can become, but at the same time a little self-conscious irony would help considerably. As it…

Bionic Woman: “Pilot”

Bride of Frankenstein By Sarah Stegall Copyright © 2007 Sarah Stegall Bionic Woman NBC, Wednesdays, 9/8 E/C “Pilot” Written by Laeta Kalogridis and Jason Smilovic Directed by Michael Dinner NBC, apparently jumping on the recycling bandwagon with a vengeance, launches its 2007 season with “Bionic Woman”, a remake of the 70s version starring Lindsay Wagner. The show actually resembles “Dark Angel” more than it does the earlier “Bionic Woman”–it’s dark, moody, shot in Canada, and features a shadowy quasi-governmental lab churning out cybernetically enhanced women right and left. In a concept that crosses Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein with a little Henry Ford, this lab…