Posts Tagged‘flashforward’

FlashForward: “Scary Monsters and Super Creeps”

Hands of Blue FlashForward “Scary Monsters and Super Creeps” ABC, Thursday, 8PM Written by Seth Hoffman & Quinton Peeples Directed by Bobby Roth Mark: Don’t condemn me for something I haven’t done yet. Olivia: Do you even hear what you just said? In the old days, as my grandpa used to tell me, Apaches would “hide” themselves in plain sight of an enemy who had been warned of their coming, knowing that the enemy would focus on the distant horizon and ignore what was directly in front of them until it was too late. Olivia, discussing the Flashforward with Mark,…

FlashForward: “Gimme Some Truth”

Flashback FlashForward “Gimme Some Truth” ABC, Thursday, 8PM Teleplay by Dawn Prestwich & Nicole Yorkin Story by Barbara Nance Directed by Bobby Roth I don’t know if it was supposed to be ironic, or just lazy, that this episode of FlashForward is a flashback. All I know is that, for me, it didn’t work. It was boring. Where the heck is the science fiction in this science fiction show? The Flashforward investigative team is called to Capitol Hill to answer some questions from unusually savvy Senators. They ask all the questions we’ve been asking since Week One, questions the producers should have…