Posts Tagged‘fringe’

Fringe: “Johari Window”

Eye of the Beholder By Sarah Stegall Copyright © 2010 by Sarah Stegall Fringe Thursdays on Fox at 9/8 E/C “Johari Window*” Written by Jeff Vlaming Directed by Deran Sarafian It’s not often I can put the words “original” and “television” in the same sentence, but this episode ofFringe delivers a unique and interesting twist on a familiar story. A young boy named Teddy (Liam James,Psych) walking along the side of a rural highway is picked up by a cop, who suspects he is a runaway. A few minutes down the road, the cop glances in his rear view mirror to…

Fringe: “Unearthed”

Walk-Ins By Sarah Stegall Copyright © 2010 by Sarah Stegall Fringe Thursdays on Fox at 9/8 E/C “Unearthed” Written by Josh Singer Directed by Joe Chappelle Peter: “What happened to patients 1-5?” Walter: “I believe they all settled out of court.” Fox Mulder called them “walk-ins”, spirits or aliens who would take over the bodies of unconscious or brain-dead humans. A thousand years ago they were called demons. Either way, they are a tantalizing and enduring concept in science fiction, whether you believe in souls or not. As Fringe returns from a hiatus of several weeks, we are introduced to the late…