Posts Tagged‘fringe’

Fringe: “Reciprocity”

Feedback Loop Fringe Fox Network, Fridays, 9 PM “Reciprocity” Written by Josh Singer Directed by Jeannot Swarc “You can’t protect me from everything.” — Peter It’s probably a sign of a low character, but my first thought in tonight’s opening sequence was, “Olivia’s not the only one Peter turns on.” That came after he walked into a construction bay at Massive Dynamic and discovered that the minions of MD had constructed a full-scale version of the Doomsday Machine he studied on the Other Side. Even as Nina Sharpe discusses the fact that they cannot discern a power source for the…

Fringe: “The Firefly”

Goldberg Variations Fringe Fox Network, Thursdays, 9 PM “The Firefly” Written by J. H. Wyman & Jeff Pinkner Directed by Charles Beeson “It doesn’t make sense. Why would the Observer do all this?” — Walter Back in the twentieth century, cartoonist Rube Goldberg became famous for inventing amazingly elaborate machines to perform trivial tasks. His name became synonymous with any overcomplicated scheme to accomplish something that otherwise would be absurdly simple; his legacy includes the board game Mouse Trap and an episode of The X-Files incorporating a wondrously convoluted toy. I have a suspicion Walter Bishop probably loved Rube Goldberg. Yet the Fringe character who most…