Posts Tagged‘true blood’

True Blood: “Scratches”

I Was a Teenage Vampire True Blood HBO, Sundays, 9 PM “Scratches” Written by Raelle Tucker Directed by Scott Winant “Sarah doesn’t just whip out her pudding for anybody.” —Steve Newlin I think Sarah Newlin is cooking up more than pudding for new recruit Jason Stackhouse. In this episode, we see a lot more uncertainty from Jason in his new spiritual quest, as he finds his actual experience of vampires diverges more and more from the party line being laid down by Steve Newlin, the celebrity anti-vampire evangelist he looks up to. After he walks out of a group discussion,…

True Blood: “Keep This Party Going”

Daddy Dearest True Blood HBO, Sundays, 9 PM “Keep This Party Going” Written by Brian Buckner Directed by Michael Lehmann “I’ll be your bad ass vampire.” – Lafayette For Father’s Day, True Blood offers up a handful of daddy-themed moments in the latest episode of this vampire soap/mystery. From Vampire Bill’s problems with his rebellious teenaged “offspring”, Jessica (Deborah Ann Woll, The Mentalist), to the revelation of his father’s desertion by “Eggs” Benedict (Mehcad Brooks,Dollhouse), there are enough fathers, absent fathers, unwilling fathers, pseudo-fathers and father substitutes to fill a sports bar on Sunday. Bill Compton has the most obviously…