Posts Tagged‘tv reviews’

The X-Files: “Aubrey”

The Razor’s Edge by Sarah Stegall copyright ©1995 by Sarah Stegall Writer: Sara B. Charno Director: Rob Bowman People who argue that only physical traits can be passed genetically clearly have no children. No one who has watched a child develop exactly the same mannerisms and character as a long- dead grandparent can deny that, clearly, some personality characteristics must be genetic. As Mulder himself points out in Friday’s episode of “The X-Files”, numerous twin studies have supported the growing suspicion that at least some of what we consider learned behavior may in fact be genetic programming. The premise…

The X-Files: “One Breath”

Holding My Breath by Sarah Stegall Copyright ©1994 by Sarah Stegall Writer: Glen Morgan and James Wong Director: R. W. Goodwin “Don’t try to threaten me, Mulder. I’ve watched Presidents die.” The Cigarette-Smoking Man The Cigarette Smoking Man’s sneer to Fox Mulder sums up the cold-blooded arrogance of the forces arrayed against Mulder and Scully. In “One Breath” we finally see the face of the real enemy–not some laughable little extraterrestrial or sideshow freak, but the ruthless amorality of a government that holds honor and justice and truth in contempt. Not that I give a damn, but there wasn’t much…