Posts Tagged‘tv reviews’

The X-Files: “Genderbender”

Sex to Die For by Sarah Stegall copyright © 1995 by Sarah Stegall Written by Larry and Paul Barber Directed by Rob Bowman Watching this episode of “The X-Files” is a little like catching and eating soap bubbles on a summer afternoon: pleasant, pretty, but not very filling. The surface is iridescent with color, style, and flash, but the center is empty. Given that Mulder and Scully themselves account for a fairly high level of hormones, “Genderbender” is curiously asexual, almost virginal. From “The Creature From The Black Lagoon” to “Rocky Horror Picture Show” to “Species”, alien sex is a…

Warehouse 13: “The New Guy”

The Human Lie Detector Warehouse 13 Syfy Channel, Mondays, 8/7 C “The New Guy” Written by Jack Kenny Directed by Stephen Surjik “Congratulations. You were almost killed by an artifact. You are now officially a Warehouse agent.” – Myka Bering At the end of last season, Agent Myka Bering suffered a crisis of conscience and left the Warehouse, in a move that probably convinced absolutely no one. Certainly anyone with access to an online celebrity website would know that Joanne Kelley is signed for another year on Warehouse 13, so she was bound to be back sooner or later. Apparently,…