Posts Tagged‘tv reviews’

Warehouse 13: “Age Before Beauty”

Last Year’s Model Warehouse 13 Syfy Channel, Tuesdays, 9/7 c “Age Before Beauty” Written by Andrew Kreisberg Directed by Tawnia McKiernan “I haven’t been benign since 1957.” —Artie “Texting? It’s what the kids do these days instead of going to the dinosaur races.” —Claudia When this series introduced Claudia back in the first season, my first reaction was a groan. Another teenager with Attitude? Puh-lease. But the character has become one of the wittiest and most appealing characters on this show, delivering punchlines and energy week after week. Against the lethargic plodding that is Leena, she appears like a streak…

Warehouse 13: “Around the Bend”

Valda-mort Warehouse 13 Syfy Channel, Tuesdays, 9/7 c “Around the Bend” Written by Bob Goodman Directed by Tawnia McKiernan “I think Pete is drinking again.” —Myka About twenty minutes into this episode, I was wishing that once, just once, Mark Sheppard could play a character who wasn’t a villain. Apparently the Syfy gods heard me, because just when I thought I knew where this episode was going, it turned inside out. Sorta like Pete Lattimer in this story. This one was darker than usual, and focused mostly on Pete and his insecurities. Which is cool, since we just had a…