Posts Tagged‘tv reviews’

Warehouse 13: “For the Team”

The Inedible Hulk Warehouse 13 Syfy Channel, Tuesdays, 9/7 c “For the Team” Written by Drew Z. Greenberg Directed by Tawnia McKiernan “Agent Bering, it seems we’re forever destined to meet at gunpoint.” —H.G. Wells Now that we’ve had character-centered episodes for two weeks in a row, and presumably know Myka and Pete a little better, Warehouse 13 returns to the usual format of Find the Artifact. I have no problem with this. The toys are one of the best features of this show, the more outrageous the better. This week’s out-of-control artifact was one of the weakest, dramatically, that the show…

Warehouse 13: “Merge with Caution”

Swap Meat Warehouse 13 Syfy Channel, Tuesdays, 9/7 c “Merge with Caution” Written by Neil Scovell Directed by Anton Cropper Myka: Pete, get your hands off my breasts. Pete: Myka, how’d you know that? Myka: Because you’re still you and I’m still me, even though we’re in different bodies. It seems to be part of the unwritten rules of genre TV that at some point, the leads must suffer from amnesia, have a baby, or swap bodies (not necessarily in that order). My only surprise is that Warehouse 13 is fulfilling this contractual obligation so early in its run; this is a…