Posts Tagged‘tv reviews’

Warehouse 13: “Vendetta”

Rookies Warehouse 13 Syfy Channel, Tuesdays, 9/7 c “Vendetta” Written by Michael P. Fox Directed by Matt Earl Beesley “That’s what you do, right? Weird and freaky. Super secret weird and freaky.” —Katie Logan The bizarre murder of their former boss calls Pete and Myka back to Washington, at the behest of Pete’s former flame, Katie Logan (Tia Carrere,CSI: Miami). Daniel Dickinson (Simon Reynolds, Flashpoint) has had every joint in his body pulled apart, as if he’d been racked. Sure enough, Artie says that’s just what happened to him; that whoever killed him used part of the rack employed by Tomas…

Warehouse 13: “Where and When”

Glass Houses Warehouse 13 Syfy Channel, Tuesdays, 9/7 c “Where and When” Written by Drew Z. Greenberg & Andrew Kreisberg Directed by Stephen Cragg “Physical time travel is an impossibility.” —H(elena). G. Wells All SF fans have their bêtes noirs, the one theme or trope that just won’t work. Some entirely reject the notion of faster-than-light travel, or psiability, or anti-gravity devices. For me, the buck stops at time travel. As commonly conceived, it is merely a variation on travel through space, as though time were a physical medium. Rarely do I meet with any time travel concepts more sophisticated than the…