Posts Tagged‘tv reviews’

Warehouse 13: “Buried” & “Reset”

The Sleeper Wakens Warehouse 13 Syfy Channel, Tuesdays, 9/7 c “Buried” Written by Robyn Adams & Mike Johnson Directed by Stephen Surjik “Reset” Written by Jack Kenny & Nell Scovell Directed by Constantine Makris “The Warehouse is more organic than your average structure.” —Mrs. Frederic A second kick-ass season of Warehouse 13 ends on a whimper, not a bang, but it’s the kind of whimper that makes you want to join in. The whimper belongs to Pete Lattimer, who watches in stunned disbelief as his partner, Myka Bering, drives away after quitting her job at the Warehouse. It’s not a cliffhanger in…

Warehouse 13: “Secret Santa”

Scrooged Warehouse 13 “Secret Santa” Written by Bob Goodman Directed by Jack Kenny “I got you something very special, and I think you’re gonna like it”. —Claudia I’m always wary of Christmas episodes. There’s always a danger that nostalgia will flop over into treacly sentimentality, that television’s tendency to homogenize everything will result in turning beloved holidays into something beige and corporate. That almost happens in this Very Special Episode of Warehouse 13, but not quite. And we can thank the witty dialogue and sardonic humor that characterize this show for saving it from that disgrace. “This is not the holiday…