Posts Tagged‘tv reviews’

Warehouse 13: “Magnetism”

Strange Attractors Warehouse 13 Syfy Channel, Tuesdays, 9/7 c “Magnetism” Written by Jack Kenny Directed by Jace Alexander The weird thing about this series is how uneven yet delightful it can be. Tonight’s episode opens with Myka and Pete stealing the blade from the guillotine that killed Marie Antoinette, and replacing it with a substitute. Apparently there is something about this particular artifact that endangers Reality As We Know It. We never learn what that is, because Pete and Myka are all about the squabbling. They exit the museum so engrossed in their argument they nearly forget the blade. Throughout…

Warehouse 13: “Claudia”

Going Nowhere Fast Warehouse 13 Syfy Channel, Tuesdays, 9/7 c “Claudia” Written by Drew Z. Greenberg Directed by Stephen Surjik Pete: Is that dangerous? Mrs. Fredericks: Where do you work? Pete: Yeah, right. This being the fourth episode of a new series, it’s time to consider where it seems to be going. The first thing that strikes me is the flaccid stories. The strongest, most interesting idea/artifact we have seen to date was this episode’s teleportation story, and it literally went nowhere. Previous stories have dealt with a comb, an old chair, and a vinyl record. The artifacts Pete and…