Posts Tagged‘tv reviews’

Warehouse 13: “Elements”

Elemental, My Dear Watson Warehouse 13 Syfy Channel, Tuesdays, 9/7 c “Elements” Teleplay by Jack Kenny & David Simkins Story by Dana Baratta & Jack Kenny Directed by Ken Girotti Artie: At the risk of sounding dramatic— Leena: That’s never stopped you before. Artie: That’s true. If Native Americans had possessed even a tenth of the mystic powers accorded them by Hollywood, this review would be written in Algonquin. How are we supposed to believe that people powerful enough to concoct four objects which would confer on their holder enough power to rule the world never actually made use of…

Warehouse 13: “Burnout”

Spurned and Burned Warehouse 13 Syfy Channel, Tuesdays, 9/7 c “Burnout” Written by Matthew Federman & Stephen Scaid Directed by Constantine Makris Artie: I don’t have time for your new-fangled stuff. Claudia: No, no, no. This is totally old-fangled. Well, I asked for a darker version of Warehouse 13, and I got it. For the first time in recent weeks, someone dies on the show—and not just one person, but a dozen or so. Bodies fry left and right as some lightning-wielding perp stalks the citizens of St. Louis, Missouri. It starts with what looks like a routine accident—a gas explosion and…