Posts Tagged‘tv reviews’

Warehouse 13: “Regrets”

Critical Mass Warehouse 13 Syfy Channel, Tuesdays, 9/7 c “Regrets” Written by Tamara Becher Directed by Michael Watkins I will not disobey Artie. I will not disobey Artie. I will not disobey Artie. I will not disobey Artie. —Claudia Now this is how you do character development. This episode far outshone previous ones by extending and deepening our understanding of who our primary four characters are, and reinforcing their relationship to one another. Rather than have Pete and Myka’s bad memories haunt them for years to come, the writers have disposed of the most destructive elements of those “regrets” while making that…

Warehouse 13: “Breakdown”

Critical Mass Warehouse 13 Syfy Channel, Tuesdays, 9/7 c “Breakdown” Written by Michael P. Fox and Ian Stokes Directed by Eric Laneuvillee “Who would you have control the Warehouse? Kings? Popes? Politicians? Be nothing left of it.” —Regent Valda Two things intrigue me every week about this show: what kind of trouble will Claudia get into with the toys, er, Artifacts in the Warehouse, and which of the Artifacts shown in the opening credits will appear? Because as far as I can see, every major plot-centric Artifact that Myka and Pete have pursued is in those opening credits. Since we…