Posts Tagged‘tv reviews’

Warehouse 13: “Nevermore”

Fighting Words Warehouse 13 Syfy Channel, Tuesdays, 9/7 c “Nevermore” Written by David Simkins Directed by Tawna McKiernan “If you tell them, I will drop a dictionary on your crotch.” —Myka One of the most useless adages ever passed on to me by writing instructors is “Write what you know.” If strictly followed, this advice would swamp the world with novels about the tribulations of struggling writing instructors seeking tenure. In tonight’s episode of Warehouse 13, it gives us a story about… writing. Specifically, the tribulations of the unpublished writer. Myka and Pete are trying to track down the nefarious McPherson…

Warehouse 13: “MacPherson”

This Time, It’s Personal Warehouse 13 Syfy Channel, Tuesdays, 9/7 c “MacPherson” Written by Jack Kenny Directed by Stephen Surjik “Agent Nielsen! You’re forgetting yourself!” —Mrs. Frederic Looks like the rest of us can forget about Agent Artie Nielsen (Saul Rubinek), unless he was carrying the Phoenix at the very moment that Nefarious James MacPherson (Roger Rees) set off the self-destruct sequence in the umbilicus connecting the Warehouse to… reality. While the season finale of this excellent series mostly recycled material we already knew, the final few minutes knocked a few old assumptions down and set up a possible new…