Posts Tagged‘tv reviews’

The Walking Dead: “Vatos”

Appearances The Walking Dead AMC, Sundays, 9/10 PM “Vatos” Written by Robert Kirkland Directed by Johan Reuck “Admit it. You came back to Atlanta for the hat.” – Glenn About fifteen minutes into this episode, my chief question was: you came back for a bag of guns? Oh, I know, the heroic rationale for Rick and his team to return to Zombie Central is that they are trying to rescue Merle. That’s a noble motive, in no way lessened when they discover that Merle has, er, freed himself. But now the only good reason to stay in Atlanta, where a…

The Walking Dead: “Wildfire”

Compassion The Walking Dead AMC, Sundays, 9/10 PM “Wildfire” Written by Glenn Mazzara Directed by Ernest Dickerson That sound you hear, that’s God laughing while you make plans. – Jim What defines “human”? For some, it’s how you treat the weakest member of the group. For others, it’s how you treat the outsider. Yet others would say that how you treat the dead says a lot about how you treat the living. In this slam-bang episode of The Walking Dead, the survivors of last week’s horrific attack must decide not only how they are going to physically survive, but what kind…