Posts Tagged‘tv reviews’

V: “It’s Only the Beginning”

Queen V V “It’s Only the Beginning” ABC, Tuesdays 8PM Written by Cameron Litvack & Angela Russo-Otstot Directed by Yves Simoneau Bask in my light. Take comfort knowing I am here. You will never be alone. —Anna Well, you can’t say the show isn’t topical. Tying an alien mind control drug to federally mandated flu shots and contaminated vaccine? This whole idea reminds me of Dr. Strangelove—they’re after our precious bodily fluids. In this episode, Chief Lizard Anna announces the opening of new, free “healing centers” where people can be cured of diseases that, on Earth, have no cure. And, bonus!,…

V: “John May”

V-icissitudes V “John May” ABC, Tuesdays 8PM Written by Gregg Hurwitz Directed by Jonathan Frakes “Let them have this one victory, because I am about to deliver them a thousand defeats.” —Anna We’re seven episodes into the first season of V, and still nobody’s been eaten. What kind of villains are these? The most we’ve seen up until this episode is a glimpse of lizard skin under a wound or a half-second look of a lizard eye. In fact, the most lizard-like image on the show is Anna’s unblinking stare and stiff body language. So far, these terrible alien invaders haven’t…