Posts Tagged‘tv reviews’

V: “Fruition”

Mom Wars By Sarah Stegall Copyright © 2010 by Sarah Stegall V “Fruition” ABC, Tuesdays, 8PM Written by John Wirth & Natalie Chaidez Directed by Bryan Spicer There are some twisted people on our world. —Erica Evans Well, look what happens when Erica Evans finally clues in. She becomes resourceful, brave, and smart. Just like a heroine ought to be. This episode shows her facing off with Anna more satisfactorily than we’ve seen so far. When a homeless man finds Lizard Lisa in an alley, beaten all to hell and marked with a “V” cut into her cheek, Erica’s first…

True Blood: “And When I Die”

Housecleaning True Blood “And When I Die” Sundays, HBO, 10PM Written by Raelle Tucker Directed by Scott Winant “After everything we’ve been through, it’s a miracle we’re not screaming in a padded room somewhere.” – Tara I’ve been complaining all year that there were too many characters and too many plot lines in this series; looks like someone in the writer’s room thought so as well. Taking a scythe, rather than a broom, to the overcrowded set, the Season Four finale sweeps away a handful of characters. No fewer than four, and possibly five characters exit the series. Add in…