Posts Tagged‘tv reviews’

True Blood: “Soul of Fire”

Martonia’s Martyrdom True Blood “Soul of Fire” Sundays, HBO, 10PM Written by Mark Hudis Directed by Michael Lehmann “Can we blow up these Wiccan dip—s already? I got a mani-pedi at four.” – Pam Trust Pam to keep us focused on the important stuff. As we pick up where the Vamp Strut left off last week, she and her maker, Eric, are teamed up with Jessica and her maker, Bill, to take out Marnie the witch and her coven. Of course, the vamps took time to drop by the nearest leather outlet to make sure they were all in hipster…

True Blood: “Burning Down the House”

Blood Feud True Blood “Burning Down the House” Sundays, HBO, 10PM Written by Nancy Oliver Directed by Lesli Linka Glatter “It’s war. It happens.” – King Beel True Blood gets points for one deliberately iconic moment in this episode: the Black Leather Vampire Strut that closed the hour. Seeing Eric, Bill, Pam and Jessica stalking side by side down a darkened street, toting weapons of mass loudness while clad in shiny patent leather: yeah, that rocked. It almost made up for the rest of the hour. The only thing that could have topped it was the naked Alcide/naked Eric scene…