Posts Tagged‘tv reviews’

True Blood: “If You Love Me, Why Am I Dyin’?”

The Leap That Love Requires True Blood “If You Love Me, Why Am I Dyin’?” Sundays, HBO, 10PM Written by Alan Ball Directed by Daniel Petrarca “Everything I was, was taken from me.” – Eric Ah, at last, the Eric-centric story we’ve been waiting for ever since the arrogant Sheriff of Shreveport first appeared. Alan Ball has teased us with a Sookie/Eric romance for so long, it almost seems as if we are remembering these scenes rather than seeing them for the first time. We pick up this episode of True Blood where we left off: Sookie is driving home…

True Blood: “You Smell Like Dinner”

Witch One? True Blood “You Smell Like Dinner” Sundays, HBO, 10PM Written by Brian Buckner Directed by Scott Winant “Is someone licking my head?” – Jason We start and end the second episode of Season Four of True Blood with so many references to eating, I wondered if the writer’s room was adequately stocked with snacks. Jason wakes up tied to a bed (surely not for the first time in his life), with one of the teenage morons of Hotshot licking his scalp. More panther than human, the inbred denizens of this hamlet make the hillbillies and boondockers of Bon…