Posts Tagged‘tv reviews’

True Blood: “Fresh Blood”

Bloodlines True Blood “Fresh Blood” HBO, Sundays at 6PM Written by Nancy Oliver Directed by Daniel Minahan It’s pretty sad when the hottest love scene in a series built on orgiastic sex is not between the lead characters, or the secondary characters, but between two third-ranked peripheral characters. I refer to the reunion of Hoyt and Jessica (aka “adorable baby vampire”). Having discovered one another in a shy, fumbling romance, then broken up, they now come together again with a more mature understanding of what love requires: honesty. Hoyt puts aside his repressive upbringing and freely admits his love; Jessica…

True Blood: “I Smell a Rat”

Inhuman True Blood “I Smell a Rat” HBO, Sundays 6PM Written by Kate Bernow & Elisabeth Finch Directed by Michael Lehmann “Will your blood ever wear off? I’m tired of dreaming about you.” —Sookie I’m confused. So what, exactly, does vampire blood do? According to the first few episodes of True Blood, when a human drinks from a vampire, the vampire’s blood can heal the human of any wounds and also causes the human to have erotic dreams about the donor. If the human is near death and drinks the vampire’s blood, the human will turn into a vampire—but apparently not…