Posts Tagged‘X-Files reviews’

The X-Files: “Terms of Endearment”

Sympathy for the Devil by Sarah Stegall copyright © 1999 by Sarah Stegall Written by David Amman Directed by Rob Bowman For a series rooted in the paranormal, The X-Files has done remarkably few stories about demons. Perhaps this is wise, given that earlier efforts in the genre such as “Die Hand Die Verletzt“, “Sanguinarium“, and even “All Souls” were muddled messes that never quite got a grip on their subject matter. Unfortunately, writer David Amann, in his first X-Files effort, doesn’t do much better with “Terms of Endearment”, a gothic horror comedy about demon babies and a devil who…

The X-Files: “Unrequited”

Now You See Him, Now You Don’t by Sarah Stegall Copyright © 1997 by Sarah Stegall Written by Howard Gordon Directed by Michael Lange Probably no group of American war veterans since the Civil War has suffered more bad publicity than those who came back from Vietnam. Survivors of a conflict that bitterly divided the nation, they came home to a land made unrecognizable by seething resentments and barely suppressed anger. Twenty five years after the last Marine was airlifted off the roof of the US Embassy in Saigon, the arguments still rage, the old hostilities and conflicts shaping our…