Posts Tagged‘X-Files reviews’

The X-Files: “Sanguinarium”

The Good Witch of the West by Sarah Stegall Copyright © 1996 by Sarah Stegall Writers: Valerie and Vivian Mayhew Director: Kim Manners It’s not as if we weren’t warned. The very title of “Sanguinarium” clues us in that Sunday’s X-File is a bloody one, and writers Vivian and Valerie Mayhew, in their first X- Files script, certainly gave us blood. And fat-sucking doctors. And new meaning to the term “face peel”. Unfortunately, they didn’t give us much more than that in this weak X-File. There were too many plot holes, and so much disbelief had to be suspended that…

The X-Files: “Herrenvolk”

Blood on the Threshold by Sarah Stegall copyright ©1996 by Sarah Stegall Writer: Chris Carter Director: R. W. Goodwin At the end of “The Erlenmeyer Flask“, Deep Throat died in Scully’s arms while ransoming Mulder’s life. In “Anasazi“, at the end of the second season, Mulder’s father died in his arms so that his son would not learn his secrets. At the end of last season’s opener, “Blessing Way” and “Paper Clip“, the blood of Dana Scully’s sister marked the threshold of her apartment, and the death intended for Scully passed her by. This year X (Steven Williams), Mulder’s last…