Posts Tagged‘X-Files reviews’

The X-Files: “Syzygy”

A Cosmic Realignment by Sarah Stegall Copyright © 1996 by Sarah Stegall “Fair is foul and foul is fair.”–Macbeth Sometimes the need to mess with our heads outweighs common sense. “Syzygy”, the January 26 episode of “The X-Files”, is a very funny misstep. It is clear from the beginning, when Mulder and Scully drive into the town of Comity (“comedy”), that writer Chris Carter intends this to be a romp, a lighthearted faux X-File where we see every defect exaggerated for effect. This is a classic technique of comedy, dating back to Aristotle, whereby we laugh at something precisely because…

The X-Files: “Hell Money”

Hell Money by Sarah Stegall copyright ©1996 by Sarah Stegall Writer: Jeffrey Vlaming Director: Tucker Gates There’s nothing wrong with an occasional episode of “The X-Files” that has nothing of the otherworldly about it; one of the best episodes of the series, “Irresistible“, has only the barest whiff of a paranormal bouquet about it. But if we are not to be entertained with a spooky tale of UFOs or the supernatural, I would at least like something outre’, something out of the ordinary. “Irresistible”, although not a mystery, was still about a monster, a man whose motivations and acts were…