Posts Tagged‘X-Files reviews’

The X-Files: “Nisei” & “731”

Monsters by Sarah Stegall copyright (c) 1995 by Sarah Stegall “My name is Mulder. Fox Mulder” I couldn’t help it: the sight of Fox Mulder jumping onto trains, retrieving a hideout gun from an ankle holster, and fighting off a piano-wire garroting put me so much in mind of Agent 007 I was wondering if David Duchovny was auditioning for James Bond. Not that I object. While most real FBI agents lead considerably less glamorous lives than this, such cinema verite is boring drama. If we are not to have the smoldering sexual tension between Mulder and Scully back, or…

The X-Files: “Clyde Bruckman’s Final Repose”

Reluctant Oracle by Sarah Stegall copyright 1995 by Sarah Stegall Writer: Darin Morgan* Director: David Nutter *Winner: 1996 Prime-Time Emmy ®, Best Writing in a Dramatic Series “How can I see the future if it didn’t already exist?” — Clyde Bruckman How, indeed. The whole concept of fortune-telling is grounded in the assumption of a mechanistic, Newtonian universe, a theory still bearing the forge marks of the medieval determinism that invented it. The basic premise is borrowed from St. Augustine’s famous analogy of time as a winding road, so bent and so contorted that only God, from his lofty perspective,…