Posts Tagged‘X-Files reviews’

The X-Files: “Avatar”

The Man in the Iron Mask by Sarah Stegall copyright 1996 by Sarah Stegall Writer: Howard Gordon Story: Howard Gordon and David Duchovny Director: James Charleston It’s been a rough year for Walter Skinner. We began the season with an armed confrontation between the X-Files agents and their boss. He got shot in the gut for pursuing the investigation into the death of Melissa Scully. Now he gets framed like a Picasso by the same guys, for the murder of a prostitute. No wonder the man rarely smiles. Friday’s X-File, “Avatar”, takes us behind the mask that Assistant Director Walter…

The X-Files: “Oubliette”

Oubliette by Sarah Stegall Copyright ©1995 by Sarah Stegall Written by Charles Grant Craig Directed by Kim Manners This review very nearly didn’t get written. It took me several tries to get all the way through “Oubliette”. As the mother of two small daughters, who received their school pictures in the mail this week, who lives in the county where Richard Wade Davis will shortly go on trial for kidnapping a young girl out of her bedroom two years ago and leaving her body in a shallow roadside grave, this episode was nearly impossible for me to watch. It struck…