Posts Tagged‘X-Files reviews’

The X-Files: “D.P.O.”

Lightning Dolt by Sarah Stegall copyright ©1995 by Sarah Stegall Writer: Howard Gordon Director: KimManners What happens when a total loser acquires supernatural powers and harnesses the lightning itself? We get “Beavis and Butthead meet ‘The X-Files’”. Friday night’s episode, “D.P.O.”, gave us a much needed breather after the hectic pace of the “Anasazi” trilogy, with a solid performance from Giovanni Ribisi married to a minimalist X-File plot. But before I get into the review, I must admit that I suffered from split personality watching the episode. I was distracted from the plot because I kept focusing too much on…

The X-Files: “Jose Chung’s From Outer Space”

Six Degrees of Separation by Sarah Stegall copyright ©1995 by Sarah Stegall Writer: Darin Morgan Director: Rob Bowman “Weirdness!” — Frohike Someone please come take Darin Morgan gently by the hand and lead him away from “The X-Files”… …to his very own series. This man deserves a forum of his own. “Jose Chung’s From Outer Space” is perhaps the last X-Files script we will get from Morgan, and if so, he’s going out with a bang. His twisted wit, his involuted sense of reality, and his razor-sharp perception are unparalleled not just in “The X-Files”, but in television writing in…