Browsing Categorypublications

New Essay in “Adapting Bridgerton” collection

If you’re a fan of the Netflix series BRIDGERTON, you know that second Bridgerton son Benedict is a bit of a maverick, a man of taste and sensitivity who longs to be an artist. I always have a soft spot for artists, especially those blocked from exploring their art by family or society, so Benedict appeals to me. My essay, “Benedict’s Gaze”, is included in the newly released collection ADAPTING BRIDGERTON, edited by the redoubtable Valerie Estelle Frankle, and published by McFarland. Like most men of his class and time, he treats women as objects of desire but not as…

Free Fiction: Authenticity

Once again, The Infinite Bard is showcasing some of my fiction. This is absolutely free! Please visit their website to leave comments and enjoy much more free fiction.  This story is dear to my heart, dealing as it does with the history of the printed book. Aldus Manutius essentially invented the book as we know it today, right down to inventing the typefaces we know and love. But did one of his most intriguing texts once belong to the notorious Lucrezia Borgia herself?   Authenticity   “You’re late,” the skinny clerk hissed at Claudia as he opened the creaking wooden…