Browsing Categorypublications

Dread Imaginings: Pairing

It’s almost Thanksgiving, where our thoughts turn to tables groaning under delicious food, shared with friends and family. But what if those friends have very … special … appetites? Appetites that can no longer be met with your ordinary locally sourced, artisanal butcher? Where does one turn for that very special roast or short ribs? The dining club in my new horror short, “Pairings“, may put you off your Thanksgiving dinner–I hope! Find it now (for free!) online at Dread Imaginings magazine.

Night Terrors!

Just in time for Halloween, a new horror short story! “Filtered” is about a cursed photographer who goes to horrific lengths when his vision alters radically. See how Alex deals with the shock of living in an empty world in the new Night Terrors Vol. 19 from Scare Street.  Available from Amazon in Print or Kindle edition.