Posts Tagged‘pushing daisies’

Pushing Daisies: “Smell of Success”

For Your Nose Only By Sarah Stegall Copyright © 2007 by Sarah Stegall Pushing Daisies ABC, Wednesdays, 8/79/8 E/C “Smell of Success” Written by Scott Nimerfro Directed by Lawrence Trilling The paradox of TV writing these days is that the most sought-after demographic in TVland—the 18-to-49 age group—wants stories that are part of a larger arc of mythology, yet appear not to have the patience to endure long-winded stories. Writers and producers are pressured to establish a closed universe for a series, while leaving it open and accessible enough for drop-in viewers. The story has to build over several episodes,…

Pushing Daisies: “Bitches”

Puppy Love By Sarah Stegall Copyright © 2007 by Sarah Stegall Pushing Daisies ABC, Wednesdays, 8/79/8 E/C “Bitches” Written by Chad Gomez Creasey & Dara Resnick Creasey Directed by Allan Kroeker First she’s supposed to be dead, and then she’s not. But no one can know, or all hell will break loose. Chuck? No, I’m talking about Bubblegum, the Coll-A-Dor-Russell-A-Poo hybrid dog who is at the heart of this week’s episode of Pushing Daisies. Her owner, Harold Hundin (Joel McHale, The Soup), president of the local kennel society, is stabbed to death in his office and the society offers a reward for…