Posts Tagged‘alcatraz’

Alcatraz: “Jack Sylvane” & “Ernest Cobb”

Hard Time Alcatraz Fox, Mondays, 10 PM “Jack Sylvane” Written by Elizabeth Sarnoff & Steven Lilien & Bryan Winbrandt Directed by Danny Cannon “Ernest Cobb” Written by Alison Belian Directed by Jack Bender “This is Alcatraz. No one forgets” – First Guard So. Here we are again: a mystery island, underground bunkers, and Jorge Garcia. Reruns of Lost? No, this is JJ Abrams’ newest excursion into weird TV, Alcatraz, which is supposed to be a police procedural with a time-travel twist. I’m not sure these ingredients are going to work this time around, because they’re in a different context. First of all,…