Posts Tagged‘D – E’

Eastwick: “Madams and Madames”

Devil May Care Eastwick “Madams and Madames” ABC, Wednesday, 10 PM Written by David S. Rosenthal Directed by Michael Katleman What do you do with a dead guy who won’t go away? Every time Roxie (Rebecca Romijn) turns around, there’s the ghost of the late would-be rapist Guy (Christian Alexander, General Hospital)—pale, dead, and smirking. (Rather like the Vampire Bill Compton on True Blood, when you think about it.) He appears to her in the town square, in her bed, in the middle of the street. At first she feels fear, then curiosity, then guilt as she finally comes to realize that…

Eastwick: “Reaping and Sewing”

Devil May Care Eastwick “Reaping and Sewing” ABC, Wednesday, 10 PM Written by Maggie Friedman Directed by David Nutter Much better. Much better indeed. The second episode of Eastwick is funnier, warmer, and more self-mocking than the pilot, and the result is a frothy confection designed to waste brain cells at an agreeable rate. During the annual harvest festival in Eastwick, our three witches wrestle with love, justice, and the mystery of Darryl Van Horn. Rebecca Romjin’s Roxie continues to appeal the most–earthy and practical, she is plagued by visions of her own murder at the hands of newcomer Jamie…