Posts Tagged‘F -J’

Haven: “Sparks and Recreation”

Persuasion Haven Syfy, Fridays, 9/10 PM “Sparks and Recreation” Written by Jonathan Abrahams Directed by Lynn Stopkewich “I’m an idiot, studying marine biology in a town where the laws of science are meaningless.” – Chris Brody Having established a character, TV writers find themselves in a dilemma. They don’t know how long a show will continue, so should they continue to write the character as established, thereby running the risk of making him boring, or do they play with it a little, running the risk of confusing an audience which has come to rely on a certain understanding of the…

Haven: “Roots”

Family Tree Haven Syfy, Fridays, 9/10 PM “Roots” Written by Jim Dunn Directed by Tim Southam “What is in these woods?” – Audrey About halfway through this slow-moving episode of Haven, I finally figured out why this story wasn’t working. It wasn’t just the lame CGI, or the forcing of the Nathan/Audrey storyline. It was the fact that several people were holed up in a barn, menaced by sentient trees, and all they could talk about was their love lives. This is narcissism on an epic scale, to be confronted with supernatural horror and to treat it as wallpaper while you sort…