Posts Tagged‘tv reviews’

V: “There Is No Normal Anymore”

Zzzzzzzz…. V “There Is No Normal Anymore” ABC, Tuesdays 8PM Written by Scott Peters & Sam Egan Directed by Yves Simoneau “You space girls are funny!” —Tyler Evans The alliance between science fiction and television has been a shaky one for most of the last 20 years, Battlestar Galactica notwithstanding. It’s not just that practical considerations of television production force compromises on showrunners that undercut the actual science in science fiction (such as inventing transporters in Star Trek to reduce travel time for the characters). It’s that television has, especially in the last few years, so relentlessly dumbed-down science fiction that it is devolving…

V: “A Bright New Day”

Five for Fighting V “A Bright New Day” ABC, Tuesdays, 8PM Written by Diego Gutierrez & Christine Roum Directed by Frederick E.O. Toye I finally figured out, I think, why they keep using that archaic term, “Fifth Column” for the resistance. The term, ironically enough, was coined by a Fascist general during the Spanish civil war in 1936, to refer to a group of conspirators who would rise to undermine the Republican government from within. The Visitors are commonly referred to as Vs. V is the Roman numeral for five, as in fifth. So V = Five = Fifth Column.…