Posts Tagged‘tv reviews’

V: “We Can’t Win”

Bait and Switch V “We Can’t Win” ABC, Tuesdays 9PM Written by Christine Roum & Cameron Litvack Directed by David Barrett “Your girl’s got a baby lizard in her terrarium?” — Hobbes Well, if we can’t get anything like realism on this show, maybe we can get humor. Certainly the antics of the alleged “Fifth Column” are fodder for comedy. I love it when key players in a desperate conspiracy take time off from saving the world to shore up their relationships, like when Erica tries once again to form simple sentences with her son, or Ryan goes looking for…

V: “Hearts and Minds”

Whack-a-Mole By Sarah Stegall Copyright © 2010 by Sarah Stegall V “Hearts and Minds” ABC, Tuesdays, 8PM Written by Gregg Hurwitz Directed by Bobby Roth Ryan: We need to get our hands on a missile. Hobbes: Finally, some fun around here. We’re doomed. Week after week after week, the Visitors win. It’s been consistently shown that they have superior technology, firepower, and resources. The only weapons we puny humans have against them are our emotions and our brains. With this episode, I think we’re down to emotions. This has to be some of the dumbest “strategic thinking” I’ve seen from…