Posts Tagged‘X-Files reviews’

The X-Files: “Colony” & “End Game”

War in the Shadows by Sarah Stegall copyright ©1995 by Sarah Stegall Writer: Chris Carter (Colony), Frank Spotnitz (End Game) Story by: David Duchovny (Colony) Director: Nick Mark (Colony), Rob Bowman (End Game) Up to now, “The X-Files”‘ Spooky Patrol has investigated hints and clues, isolated incidents, quirky events with a confused pattern and little meaning. But with “Colony” and “Endgame”, the series took a 90 degree turn into global engagement, as Mulder and Scully are drafted into a shadowy internecine war where neither side appears to hold the moral high ground. I find myself running out of superlatives as…

The X-Files: “Aubrey”

The Razor’s Edge by Sarah Stegall copyright ©1995 by Sarah Stegall Writer: Sara B. Charno Director: Rob Bowman People who argue that only physical traits can be passed genetically clearly have no children. No one who has watched a child develop exactly the same mannerisms and character as a long- dead grandparent can deny that, clearly, some personality characteristics must be genetic. As Mulder himself points out in Friday’s episode of “The X-Files”, numerous twin studies have supported the growing suspicion that at least some of what we consider learned behavior may in fact be genetic programming. The premise…