Posts Tagged‘X-Files reviews’

The X-Files: “Excelsis Dei”

Surf the Halls by Sarah Stegall Copyright © 1994 by Sarah Stegall Written by Paul Brown Directed by Stephen Surjik Like many viewers, I have been waiting for an episode that lets Dana Scully take a case, and allows her own investigative powers to shine. So when Mulder walks in at the beginning of “Excelsis Dei” and finds her in the middle of a case, I was thrilled. Agent Scully goes to bat for a nurse (Teryl Rothery) who claims to have been raped by an invisible entity. Mulder is immediately skeptical–there’s a rare turn- -pointing out that while they…

The X-Files: “3”

Curing Mulder’s Insomnia by Sarah Stegall copyright ©1994 by Sarah Stegall Writer: Glen Morgan and James Wong Director: David Nutter David Duchovny should be a controlled substance. Now I understand why Chris Carter, executive producer and creator of “The X-Files”, has been so adamant about Fox Mulder being “a monk”. When Duchovny unleashes the sensuality hiding behind those sleepy eyes, he overwhelms everything else on the screen. As a dues-paying, card-carrying member of the David Duchovny Estrogen Brigade, I am not sure I can be objective about “3”. There is just too much here to overwhelm the critical judgment: David…