Posts Tagged‘X-Files reviews’

The X-Files: “Die Hand Die Verletzt”

Farewell to the Lords of Darkness by Sarah Stegall copyright ©1995 by Sarah Stegall Writer: Glen Morgan and James Wong Director: Kim Manners The flip side of paranoia is humor. In Friday’s episode of “The X-Files”, departing staff writers James Wong and Glen Morgan steep a rather mundane tale of demon worship in a New England town in their own unique blend of sly wit and sudden terror. From the opening scene, where a bourgeois school board ends a rather prosaic meeting with an invocation to the Lords of Darkness, through giveaways like “Crowley High School”, to a rain of…

The X-Files: “Red Museum”

The Red Museum by Sarah Stegall Copyright ©1994 by Sarah Stegall Writer: Chris Carter Director: Win Phelps Watching “The X-Files” is sometimes like watching a horror movie through your hands–you get a shocking, teasing glimpse now and then of something both fascinating and repulsive lurking just below the surface. The story is sometimes in the images, in brief glimpses of a reality beyond the mundane, a peek into terror. Friday’s episode, “The Red Museum” is classic Chris Carter–no one is who he seems to be. The robot-like cultists of the “Red Museum” are not Branch Davidian wannabes, but mild mannered,…