Posts Tagged‘X-Files reviews’

The X-Files: “The Calusari”

Blood Brothers by Sarah Stegall copyright ©1995 by Sarah Stegall Writer: Sara B. Charno Director: Rob Bowman The theme of the evil twin dates back at least to the story of Cain and Abel, echoing down through Western literature in such works as far apart as the Welsh epic “The Mabinogion” and Thomas Tryon’s novel “The Other”. The phenomenon of the identical twin, who shares not just a sibling’s face but sometimes a personality, threatens our notions about the uniqueness of the individual. The twin often becomes a metaphor for schizophrenia and dissociation. But the oldest use of the…

The X-Files: “Irresistible”

“Watching ‘Irresistible’ again has reminded me of the many hours I spent happily trolling fan reviews and forums. In particular, it reminded me of how much I enjoyed the work of […] Sarah Stegall at the time.” – Todd VanDerWerff, AV Club The Conquest of Fear by Sarah Stegall Copyright ©1995 by Sarah Stegall “The conquest of fear lies in the moment of its acceptance.” –Fox Mulder Writer: Chris Carter Director: David Nutter Last Friday’s “X-Files” episode begins amid the sumptuous camouflage of the modern American funeral: padded satin, flowers, gleaming brass, thick carpets, music…the customary disguise for the ugly truth at its…