Posts Tagged‘X-Files reviews’

The X-Files: “Little Green Men”

Humpty Dumpty by Sarah Stegall Copyright 1995 by Sarah Stegall Writer: Glen Morgan and James Wong Director: David Nutter “You can’t be afraid” — Fox Mulder If I had to introduce a newcomer to this show, someone who had no idea what the series was about or what its special appeal was, this is the episode I would choose. Everything is here–the search for proof of alien contact, the heartbreak over Mulder’s sister Samantha, the understated sexual tension between Scully and Mulder, the quest Mulder has set himself, and the interference from the maddening Smoking Man and FBI bureaucrats. But…

The X-Files: “The Erlenmeyer Flask”

Trust No One by Sarah Stegall copyright 1995 by Sarah Stegall “Trust no one….” —Deep Throat Writer: Chris Carter Director: R. W. Goodwin At last we have Chris Carter’s personal philosophy spelled out for us literally in the tagline: it’s a cold world out there, one where enemies wear a friendly face and even a friend can be suspect. “The Erlenmeyer Flask” opens with a car chase straight out of “Bullitt”, follows with police beating a suspect a la Rodney King (complete with ineffective taser shot), and includes such ripped-from-the-headlines story elements as the Human Genome project, and toxic blood…