Posts Tagged‘X-Files reviews’

The X-Files: “Darkness Falls”

The Light in the Forest by Sarah Stegall Copyright ©1993 by Sarah Stegall Writer: Chris Carter Director: Joe Napolitano “Darkness Falls”, the episode of “The X-Files” re-run on Friday night, is not one of the show’s more popular episodes: it fell into about the middle third of the end-of-season poll of X-Philes’ preferences. However, it has several points to recommend it, and remains one of my favorites for various reasons. The best characters in this episode were non-human: the magnificent woods of British Columbia and the tiny insects responsible for the deaths of the loggers. The sequences in the woods…

The X-Files: “Ice”

Trust Someone by Sarah Stegall copyright 1995 Sarah Stegall Writers: Glen Morgan and James Wong Since its first broadcast in the fall of 1993, “Ice” has been one of the more intriguing and troublesome of “The X-Files” episodes. At once obviously derivative and fiendishly original, its real focus is on the relationship between Scully and Mulder, as mirrored in the relationship between the scientific team of Dr. Hodge and Dr. DaSilva (Xander Berkely and Felicity Huffman). The catch phrase from this episode, “We are not who we are”, has echoed down the seasons with an increasing resonance as we encountered…